Now, it’s resting time!

21 09 2010

Lord know’s I need it..

”Become a person of action, one of those indomitable souls who goes out and hunts down his greatest life!
Do the best that you know how to do.
And then let go and accept whatever comes to you with a happy heart
and a perfect certainty that it is what nature intended for you…”

– Robin Sharma, Discover your Destiny


12.15 pm WOD

A. Warm up: General wu, Burgener, KB-Snatch @ 32kg, Snatch and Snatch pulls @ 40-50kg

B. Snatch, ”Max For Day”:
50/2, 60/2, 70/1+F

C1. 3 OHS @ 22X1 Tempo (30s rest to c2):
70/3, 80/3, 90/2 PB!
C2. Muscle Up, Max Reps (3 min rest to c1):
4 (5th Failed), 4 (5th F), 4

D. 3 Rounds for time:

  • 10 CTB-PU
  • 10 Clapping PshU
  • 10 Jumping Squat

Time: 3’12min

E1. Pistols:
5 left/5 right, 5/5, 6/6
E2. L-sit on knuckles:
10s, 12, 20

Felt a little banged up today, especially right side of my entire back is pretty stiff and sore. This was however going to be the last one before the competition so I decided to go for it anyway. Also, since every body has been telling me about the benefits of power lifting shoes, I finally got my self a new pair today!
I’ve always been a little skeptical about using ”aid” in my training, I wan’t every lift and performance I do to be entirely Me, kind of. But, when it’s something that everybody swear by and also something that probably holds me back if I don’t get it, I guess I have to give in with these ones.
And, they work! The balance in the bottom position of any squat is waaaay more stabile, so for someone with my lack of mobility it’s obviusly gonna make a huge difference.. 😉

WOD. Snatching was not very explosive today. No problem up to 70kg first lift but already there I felt that my back position was off and it was probably smart to not go higher. OHS was incredibly more easy with the shoes! Shoulders was a bit smoked however so I called it after two reps with good depth but a little wobbling due to the shoulder instability. Muscle Ups felt better than in a long time. The transition was way smoother and even though the last two on the first set was about to rip my left shoulder off, the last two sets felt very good.
The ”metcon” was fast for the first two rounds, and then I had to break both PU (still held on to the bar though) and PshU. Think I once again proved to my self that I can’t train metcons on an empty stomach, but it somehow was probably just the right amount of reps right now.
For Pistols, same experience as OHS, so much easier in the new shoes. Did two sets of 5 reps str8 on each side and then tried some tempo and alternating legs for last set. L-sit on knuckles is harder then on parallettes, but even though my legs wasn’t even close to stretched out, it still felt pretty comfortable to know that I can do this if it shows up in the skill session on Saturday…

All in all a pretty good last ”real workout”, only thing bothering me is my aiching lower back but it’s not as bad as it was with my injury. Some light running sessions and a lot of stretching and mobility work for the reminder of the week will hopefully get me into perfect shape!




2 responses

21 09 2010
Marcus Herou

Yup, mobility is key now. I hate pistols, too stiff even with shoes. Which reminds me… Soleus MWOD doooo it!

Back again a little less stiff 🙂

Seems that you got your shit together, go get em

22 09 2010

Good point, plan today is 40-60 min M-WODs so that one is going in there! 🙂

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