A tribute to Mackie!

1 11 2011

”United we stand, divided we fall..”

– Aesop –

12.30pm, WOD Part 1

WU. OTM * 5, Hang Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + Snatch

A. Snatch Balance, ”Build up to a though single in a few sets”.
52, 61, 70, 79/F (snatch grip push jerk).

B. Snatch, 2-2-2-2@90%, (60s):
61, 61, 61, 61

C. Back Squat, 5-5-5:
125/3, 134/5, 144kg/5 PB! (+6kg)

D. High Hang Power Snatch ”TNG”, 7-7-7, (30s):
43kg, 43, 43 

E. CTB, 5*10 reps, (30s):
11s, 11, 11, 12, 18

Pretty stiff from this weekend. For you that don’t know,we at Cape CrossFit, sent 3 teams to the United We Stand competition in Durban, and we smashed it! 1st, 2nd and 10th place out of 25 teams is a record we are obviously very proud of. It was a cool event with 5 different wods and our team, ”The Buttercups”, (me, Jobst, Jo & Mona), was basically in second place from start to end. For the beasts in ”Team A”, this was a walk in the park kind of victory. Our two strongest guys right now with possibly the two strongest girls in SA did what they was expected to do and crushed the competition.

On a personal note, I am quite happy with how things went. Had the 6th fastest 500m sprint overall with 1’37min, (this was done in a horribly angled hill approx 250m first upwards and then back again), and still managed to pull my part in the second part of that workout without losing pace. Did ok with the thrusters, and went all out on every Farmers Walk and 50m Sprint in event 3. Got 100kg in the Bear Complex, for one rep of each, but couldn’t push press 105 in the end. Was a little bummed about that, wanted that PB!
Last wod was the only one I think I didn’t perform to my max. We were always in the first heat and this time I didn’t warm up at all so when it was time for my 100 Russian KB-Swings after 100m Partner Carry, I was already out of breath. Had to break them 30/20/20/15/15 I think, should have sucked it up and gone harder.

Still as said, we are very happy with our second place, it was a good competition and I also think that our 10th placed team ”Cape Rocks”, deserves some real recognition, none of those guys have been doing CrossFit for even a year!

Short notes of todays wod. Tracking OPT from the beginning of October and cherry picking to make it work with some other things I already have planned to have in my programming. Cherry picking actually means using the things I think I need the most in this case, not what I think I will do good in.

All you need is a couple of extra smaaaall plates.. 😛

I obviously only put on the above extra kg for my 5RM BS to beat Mackies new PB, hehe. No doubt will this make him slaughter that one within a week or two, and the fact that he beats me in just about everything else has nothing to do with this… 😉

Legs still a bit out of order from the weekend as mentioned, but when I can do this weight even without explosive power, I feel strong!

All CTB UB, but had to re-kip the last few at the last set.

Also think I localized the problem with my snatch. Except for being a bit off in my setup, I think it all origins from my right wrist that has given me problems for about six weeks now. It’s the tendon from my thumb that is sore and probably a bit inflamed and this prevents me from doing explosive pulls to the max. Realized it when I did the 7’s of HPS. Gonna go see my chiro about it and hopefully some nice needling in the thumb area can help.

Second wod of today is a 3 parted metcon, not too much to write home about but might post some notes later.




2 responses

1 11 2011
Marcus Herou

Tack kompis! Precis vad jag behöver för att steppa upp mitt game en nivå 🙂

”TnG” Snatch – räta ut armarna iaf så du får nån överföring till verkligheten.

Är du medlem i CF Journal ? Helt allvarligt, kolla igenom ”Burgener Files”, börja här: http://journal.crossfit.com/2009/06/the-burgener-files-part-3-the-high-hang.tpl

Jag har blivit medveten om hur jag ska fixa hoppandet genom att kolla på 3-5 i den serien. Betar av en film varje kväll nu. Grymt bra.

1 11 2011

Hehe jag vet, halva syftet med att adda 1kg är ju faktiskt att jävlas tillräckligt för att du ska lyfta tyngre.. 😉
Cool, ska kolla dem ikväll!!

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